
A title is a concept in Warriors of Aehloise, that describes somebody. The parts of somebody's title includes a gemstone, then a class. For an example, The Amber Hero, which is Keiz Kazzlion's Title. The color of the gemstone in the title also corresponds with that person's rune colour. Titles also describe a person's personality or behaviour. This page will explain the gemstone and the relation to a person's personality, as well as their class. Gemstones and classes also can increase or decrease a person's power.

Note: This is just the interpretation of gemstones and classes in my webcomic.



Amber relates to a person who has trauma, and can get fearful. However, these people can be extremely courageous if they try. People relating to Amber also can be very unaware of their surroundings or circumstances. Keiz's associated gemstone is Amber. Amber is the third best gemstone.


Azurite relates to a person who can easily get nervous, and tries to hide their true feelings. These people also have amazing and extensive imaginations, and can easily get lost in them. These people are normally calm, and quiet, but when annoyed, they can get extremely angry. These people are also somewhat insecure. Kedu's associated gemstone is Azurite. Azurite is the second best gemstone.


Amethyst relates to a person who is normally cheerful, but can be mysterious. These people have amazing imaginations, but not as great as an Azurite's imagination. Amethysts normally enjoy dark or disturbing topics. These people are also kind of insane or insecure. However, these people are very powerful, and are the no. 1 best gemstone. Kurenvi's associated gemstone is Amethyst.


Ruby relates to a person who is very egotistical, and thinks they are better than everybody else. These people can get agitated very easily, and overall are very dangerous people. A ruby would almost NEVER be seen smiling, ever. The only reason they would be smiling would be if they saw somebody else's misfortune or problems. Ruby is the fourth best gemstone.



A Knight